About Me

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I am older than dirt but still moving. Married to George for over 35 years, have two adult children whom I adore but still don't like. Mom to Gunnar, a rat terrier with computer knowledge who regularly opens files and browsers on my desk top. I love to read. My Kindle is usually smoking from over-use. I'd rather be camping than doing much of anything else.
Showing posts with label nature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nature. Show all posts

Monday, August 24, 2020

Share Your World challenge, August 24, 2020

 Melanie B Cee of Sparksfromacombustiblemind hosts the Share your World challenge every Monday. She has teamed up with Roger Shipp (known for watching all the Harry Potter movies during quarantine) in the questions posed.

Mel's "rules"

I’m reiterating last week’s ‘disclaimer’ Now I realize some folks have never seen nor read a single book or seen any movie about Harry Potter.   Therefore I’m going to do three or four ‘regular’ questions for folks who aren’t Harry fans.  It’s cool to do both sets OR just one or the other, as you wish.  


  1. Create a Share Your World post.  Then post the link to that blog post or leave your answers in the comments box of my blog.
  2. To make it easy for others to check out your post, title your blog post “Share Your World”  and link it to this post.
  3.  Ping-backs are activated, but how efficiently varies.  For instructions on how ping-backs work, in case you weren’t certain, please click here.  You may wish to leave a link to your blog post in the comments just to be sure.  Thanks!

Roger's questions: Share Your World Meets Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

  1. One of my favorite gifts that Harry Potter received came from the Weasley Twins; and was “Mrs. Mooney’s Marauder’s Map”. This magical document showed every classroom, hallway and secret corner in all of Hogwarts. It also showed you the location- by name- of every person in Hogwarts.  If you had such a magical map of your town, what would you use it for? If you would not use it, is there another person to whom you would gift it?
I use Google Earth.  it seems pretty danged magical to me.

  1. When was the last time you made a snowball? Were in a snowball fight?
3 years ago..in my front yard with my "grand daughter' and her dozen or more friends.

3. Many cultures set great value in each child of the family having godparents. Did you have godparents? Are you a godparent yourself?

I had god-parents but have zero clue who they were..as I was a baby at the time.

4. You have found a secret tunnel under your house. Where does it go?
Heck if I know..let me go ask the dog and see what he has to say for himself first.

Muggle Questions (of a more philosophical bent this week):

Is intelligence or wisdom more useful?  Considering the quite obvious lack of brain-power amongst the average American public, I'd be wishing for more intelligence to spread around. It is rather desperately needed.

How important is play in living a healthy and fulfilling life? extremely. do I really need to explain?

Is happiness just chemicals flowing through your brain or something more?well first, chemicals don't exactly "flow" through a brain....but rather than go into an annoying amount of scientific information that will eventually put everyone to sleep.......let me say this. ...it's more.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Questions I found on Ally Bean's blog...

 Ally Bean writes an incredible blog called "The Spectacled Bean". Go check her out...I can wait for you to read my idiotic responses to 20 questions Ally found while wandering the bloggsphere..

20 questions:

Your most memorable fancy dress costume? Renaissance garb.........at Scarborough Faire in Waxahachie, Texas.  I'm wearing the Porteous plaid (my dad's ancestral plaid)

Which social media platform do you use the most? Wordpress. Well, I WAS on WP until they ticked me off entirely..now on Blogger (3rd times a charm) I have a facebook account but am rarely on it....well rarely now means only once a day or so instead of all day long.


Favourite season? Autumn. or maybe Spring.........possibly Summer..but then again, I like Winter. 


If you had to choose the beach or mountains, which would it be? it depends on WHICH beach and WHICH mountains.  I would be on Taba beach in Egypt.........or the Blue ridge mountains in western Virginia...up near skyline Drive (Sperryville)

 What can you play very well? The slighty ditzy grandmother...........did you mean games? musical instruments? I'll just stick with my original response. It's far more accurate


What kind of cheese do you like? I like a lot of different types of cheese. it's easier listing what I don't like. that would be Stilton, Blue cheese and Limburger........well any stinky cheese really.


Life goal? met thank you. I have no goals now I am ancient and retired. Okay, fine..I have a goal. to make sure Trump never makes it back into any public office and is prosecuted for the crimes he has committed while in office.


How many cities have you lived in? oh lordie...Fairfax, Va.; Springfield, Va; Elon College, NC; Beech Mountain, NC;  Burlington, NC; Raleigh, NC; Alexandria, Va.; Arlington, Va.; Orlando, Fl; Jacksonville, Fl.; Chicago, Il; North Chicago, Il.; Waukegan, Il; Los Angeles, Ca.; Yreka, Ca.; Medford, Or; Pasadena, Tx; Houston, Tx; Austin, Tx; Cedar Park; Tx; Cottonwood Shores, Tx; El Paso, Tx.; Charleston, SC; Jackson, Tn; Dixon, Tn.; Nashville, Tn; Cumberland Furnace, Tn; Hurricane Mills, Tn.; Jackson, Ms.;  Altoona, Pa.; Enid, Ok. How many is that? I think I got em all....no I am missing a few Texas cities..........Nacadoches, Tx; New Caney, Tx.; Lufkin, Tx. There! done.


What language do you wish you could speak? Spanish


What can’t you stand? Social injustice and screaming babies on an overseas flight


If you have an hour to kill on your hands, what would you do? read


Your favorite routine? doing what I feel like doing when I feel like it. I AM retired ya know.


When do you become hyperactive? Never


Text message or phone call? Phone call. Text messages were designed by people who never leaned to spell.


Your most precious treasure? my husband


Your latest foreign language mistake? haven't made one in years so I really can't answer this one.


What’s the best therapy for you? swinging on my front porch swing, a glass of sweet tea and a good book.


If you could be a fictional character, who would you be? Jo, from Little Women....or....Doctor Who's companion.


Where would you like to travel? Ireland and Wales.....or back to Guatemala, Egypt or Israel.....or even back to Mexico.  Probably New Zealand......or maybe Australia. Or Peru. Peru would be cool.


Where did you meet your spouse/partner? 4th grade classmate.

Sunday Morning

 This morning arrived with bright blue skies, a cool breeze and the sound of songbirds.

George had made a pot of coffee (will wonders NEVER cease?) and we shared a cup on the back porch.

Gold finches, rose finches, sparrows, cedar waxwings and a few orioles blessed us by sharing breakfast..Pyewacket lounging on George's lap and paying zero attention to the birds.

A squirrel snuck through the fence to feast on the remains of the last cantaloupe and watermelon from the garden, constantly aware of Pye's location.

Hummingbirds finally noticed the feeders hanging near the grave sites of two pets lost to us but never forgotten. They happily buzzed about and drank their fill.

It was a glorious way to start the week.

It's getting better all the time.........

 Well, I was certainly depressed on December the 5th...Life has become a bit more bearable. I am finally sleeping and (almost) getting enoug...