About Me

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I am older than dirt but still moving. Married to George for over 35 years, have two adult children whom I adore but still don't like. Mom to Gunnar, a rat terrier with computer knowledge who regularly opens files and browsers on my desk top. I love to read. My Kindle is usually smoking from over-use. I'd rather be camping than doing much of anything else.
Showing posts with label Fandango. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fandango. Show all posts

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Retiring the blog

 It's time.

For over 12 years I have been blathering at the universe through the medium of a blog.

I've "met' people from literally every corner of the world; had incredible discussions (some would call them arguments) about religion, politics, social justice, criminal justice..........................also shared recipes, insights into basic family life and so much more.

I have received kudos and complaints............praise and vilification.

All in all, it has been a wonderful part of my life.

Like all things though, its time has come and gone....

It's taken me a while to acknowledge it, but look it in the face and say hello I have done.

So, this is the last post.

There are people who have come to mean the world to me and I want to thank them here.

Cyranny of Cyranny's cove.......a blessing of a friend from Canada, aka Freezingland. You, my dear sweet girl, are a blessing to all you meet and interact with, whether online or in real life. You have added laughter, tears and such abundant love to my life and I bless you for it.

Harini of The Long View.  My farming friend from India..who in her later years, with her husband, followed their dream of owning a farm. Bless you my friend and Namaste.

Melanie or Sparks from a combustible mind.......Mel, your challenges, and conversations totally rock!

Saumya of Randomness Inked. One of the loveliest young women I have ever met. Compassionate, considerate, willing to assist others at the drop of a hat. Another of my International friends.

Katina.  I "met" Katina just a few short months ago...but what an impression she made upon me. Another lover of Dr Who...a single mom doing her best to raise a precocious child without family assistance......riding her magical pegacorn through life while dealing with significant issues. I adore her. Please visit her and give her some love. She is so deserving of it.

There are so many others that it is impossible for me to thank individually.  I am pretty sure each of them knows how I feel about them. Tom, Fandango, Calico Jack....Joe, Robert, Carol and Suzanne.....Linda, Melody, Sarah and Elizabeth...J-dub, Jill, and all the rest.

I will miss you all.

But the one I will miss the most (thank whomever for FaceBook) is Larry. We've followed each other through thick and thin and it feels as if I am leaving behind a family member. 


Saturday, August 22, 2020

just the facts, Ma'am

 Okay....Fandango (a bloggery buddy from WP) let me know that one needed a Google acct in order to make a comment in the blog. 

Well, that's just plain discriminatory...........at least to me. What if someone doesn't WANT a Google account?

After looking through the settings for all of about 10 seconds, I found the little gizmo that allows anyone to comment.

Thanks Fang for letting me know.

The editor here in Blogger is almost the same as the WP-admin editor..just a bit easier. I still have all the same bells and whistles I had over at WP, just not as many choices on themes as I had......ah well, sometimes one gives up pretty for easy.

I find it easier to post to social media here on Blogger. Not as many steps to take to have things go where I want them to go.

The editor is essentially the same as it was when I first began blogging many years ago.......

Gravitar works here.....so I can easily see who is commenting and know instantly this is one of my buddies or a total stranger.  That's nice.

The only downside so far is that I now need to send email invites to all my followers and they may not want to receive email notifications about the blog....or from it.....or whatever. And so it goes.

Half a dozen good things, one or two great things and a few total annoyances. Welcome to Blogging!

It's getting better all the time.........

 Well, I was certainly depressed on December the 5th...Life has become a bit more bearable. I am finally sleeping and (almost) getting enoug...