About Me

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I am older than dirt but still moving. Married to George for over 35 years, have two adult children whom I adore but still don't like. Mom to Gunnar, a rat terrier with computer knowledge who regularly opens files and browsers on my desk top. I love to read. My Kindle is usually smoking from over-use. I'd rather be camping than doing much of anything else.
Showing posts with label racism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label racism. Show all posts

Sunday, August 23, 2020

a gentle reminder

 I posted this a month or so ago...on a different platform but still.

It's something I think people need to see until it all sinks in.

It's getting better all the time.........

 Well, I was certainly depressed on December the 5th...Life has become a bit more bearable. I am finally sleeping and (almost) getting enoug...