About Me

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I am older than dirt but still moving. Married to George for over 35 years, have two adult children whom I adore but still don't like. Mom to Gunnar, a rat terrier with computer knowledge who regularly opens files and browsers on my desk top. I love to read. My Kindle is usually smoking from over-use. I'd rather be camping than doing much of anything else.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

repost: following along behind the crowd.

 I originally posted this back in 2018...but I found it again while downloading my prior blog posts, it amused me to the point of snorting.........so I thought I'd share it again.

following along behind the crowd…..

Barbara over at teleportingweena answered these, then sparky (melanie) at sparks from a combustible Mind did them…I forget who all they stole these from, but I am so highly medicated on pain killers for a muscle tear of the shoulder that I can not concentrate on a post of my own so I stole them. OMG, that was a horrible run-on sentence. Okay, trying to keep a focus on something….here are the questions. I hope I manage to add some answers.

  1. Dogs/cats/both/other?  I love dogs. cats seem to tolerate me. I have both, am owned by two and own the other two. It’s a mess really. I’d much rather just have two total creatures living here with me and George, but they keep multiplying and I haven’t figured out how to stop it yet.

  2. Favorite holiday? Why? I have decided this means vacation instead of holiday…so it would be the first trip to Israel. Incredible journey for me. check out the post.
  3. A fun or funny word you like to use. plexiotomy, a word I made up to denote a special surgical procedure installing plexiglass into the abdomen whereby someone may see where they are going while having their head up there ass.
  4. Writing in pen or pencil, or would you rather type? I’d rather just lounge around on a ‘fainting sofa”, eating chocolates and drinking some dr pepper while a manly secretary (preferably Scottish and looking like Sean Connery) writes down every word I say.

  5. Tell about a strange/weird experience you’ve had. nope. I don’t want to. but thanks for trying to get me to. Shows initiative. 
  6. Do you do any crafts? yes. I quilt, paint stuff, refurbish furniture, sew……..and I love glitter glue.

  7. What tip would you give to new bloggers? don’t plagiarize. 

  8. What special talent do you have? Being totally obnoxious while maintaining my innate southern gentility
  9. Fabric ribbons or plastic bows on gifts, which do you like better? I’d much rather someone do something for me than wrap up a purchase and pretend they really are happy giving it to me. Want to give me something meaningful? Try washing out my bathtub for me? Do a load or ten of laundry. cook a meal so i don’t have to. Vacuum my floors, or fog for bugsIt’s too difficult for me to do any of the above now even though I do them every blasted day. Screw ribbons.

  10. Favorite school subject.  .Comparative Religions

  11. Just for fun question… Who ya gonna call? Probably Pizza Hut.

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