About Me

My photo
I am older than dirt but still moving. Married to George for over 35 years, have two adult children whom I adore but still don't like. Mom to Gunnar, a rat terrier with computer knowledge who regularly opens files and browsers on my desk top. I love to read. My Kindle is usually smoking from over-use. I'd rather be camping than doing much of anything else.

Saturday, August 22, 2020


 I'm back on Blogger again after an eight year hiatus......yes, I tried other platforms.  And I was very happy with my last one until their so called "happiness engineers" decided to muck about with a perfectly good working editor.

Their final change was enough straw to break this old lady's camel's back..and so I am "home" again.

I am hopeful that I will be able to figure out the Blogger editor enough to import my old blog here........I know it can be done, but am in need of either:

1. extremely good instruction, or

2. a ten year old.

I have become more political over the past eight years......here in the US we've become more and more divisive and I have fallen right into the snark and anger at times. I'll try to behave myself here.


  1. Hello. I don’t think my comment will go through, since I don’t have a Google account for blogging. This is Fandango.

  2. Run as fast and far as you want, Suze. We will find you wherever you hang your hat.

    1. yea me! glad you are here..who are you anyway? LOL

  3. Round and round we go.
    I cannot believe my little Motorola Android phone is able to latch onto your site so easily.
    It's a lazy afternoon here in Covid Florida, as we wait for the hurricane winds and rain, the governor no doubt praying it will all go away.
    It won't.
    We are so lethargic, just wanting to drink shakes from McDonald's, watch Yellowstone and Netflix, and nap.
    I don't want to write or even read my gun magazines...
    Can't go to the gym across the street either.
    Germy. Very germy.
    So there you are.
    I'm dreading to go to Word Press to publish a story...

    1. not much we can do at this point..I can't go to the state capital building and annoy my elected (sic) officials..they aren't there. I can't go to my silver sneakers...........good lord I'd be hospitalized in a week if I did...so it's the backyard and ace hardware or the lumber yard. No one goes there except me.

  4. From the Texas Medical Society.
    Don't Go There List:


    1. yep..I'd have rated a few places higher on the ick scale.


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